This guide will allow integrating Tableau to the Seemore platform.
Last updated
This guide will allow integrating Tableau to the Seemore platform.
Last updated
Seemore natively supports Tableau server and Tableau online, which allows you to seamlessly integrate your Big Query with your Seemore workspace.
You will need to ensure that the Tableau Metadata API is enabled
To enable the Tableau Metadata API follow the steps in Tableau's documentation.
🚨 Careful! Seemore needs the Tableau Metadata API to crawl metadata. Please ensure you are running the latest version of Tableau Server or Tableau Online (2022.x with REST API version 3.14+). Learn more about the permissions used to access metadata through the Tableau Metadata API.
In order to integrate Seemore with Tableau you will need to create a user or send an existing one.
If you create a user, a confirmation email will be sent. To create a user:
The required details for this integration are:
Username - The user's email
Password - The user's password
Server - The account server, for example:
Here, the server is “”.
apiVersion - tableau API version, put 3.4 if not specified
Add the 'site administrator creator' or 'Site Administrator Explorer' role to the user and then grant the 'Site Administrator Explorer' permission to the relevant assets.
If you want to access Tableau using an access token instead of a username and password, you can generate a personal access token.
To generate a personal access token follow the steps in Tableau's documentation.